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Election Forms

Elections are approaching quickly so make sure to start filling out your forms!  Please follow the steps below:

Lt. Governor:

note: all forms (delegate & candidate) are due 2 weeks before the scheduled election date


download or print out all forms from the folder here


fill out forms and get necessary signatures*

* if you are filling them out online, use Adobe Acrobat

(it's free to download here)


email all forms to your Lt. Governor (emails found here)**

print out your forms and bring them to your elections also

** if you printed them out, scan them to your computer to email them

Delegates: please fill out the form here and email it to your Lt. Governor (found here)

Executive Positions:

Executive Positions include District Governor, Secretary-Treasurer, and Bulletin Editor/Webmaster.  If you are curious about what these positions entail, please email the current officer (emails here).  

note: in order to run for an executive position you MUST attend District Convention


download or print out all forms from the folder of the office you are running for here


fill out forms and get necessary signatures*


print out your forms and bring them with you to convention

* if you are filling them out online, use Adobe Acrobat

(it's free to download here)

International Endorsement:

Want to go beyond the member, club, and district levels?  There are three international positions you can run for: President, Vice President or Trustee.  This is a great way to bring your service and leadership to a broader audience.  By running for international endorsement at DCON, you are asking the Southwest District to support your campaign at International Convention.

Learn more about the International Board and moving up in Key Club here.  

note: in order to run for an International position you MUST attend International Convention (read more here)


download or print out the form for International Endorsement here


fill out the form and get necessary signatures*


print out your forms and bring them with you to district convention

* if you are filling them out online, use Adobe Acrobat

(it's free to download here)

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