Candidate Information:
All candidates for executive office or international endorsement must attend the Pre Convention Orientation Meeting with his/her parents/guardian and either a faculty or Kiwanis advisor on Sunday, March 15, 2020 via GoToMeeting from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. In addition, all candidates must attend the Candidates’ Meeting during convention on Friday, April 3, 2020, at the Convention Hotel at 5:30PM. Failure to attend either meeting will result in immediate disqualification.
• Each candidate for Executive Office (Governor, Secretary/Treasurer and Bulletin Editor) will be
introduced at the Opening Session on Friday evening. Each candidate will also be expected to
speak at the district caucuses after Friday evening’s Opening Session. Finally, candidates for
Executive Office will give formal campaign addresses in the House of Delegates on Saturday
afternoon at 4PM.
• District caucus procedures will be provided to you in written form at the Candidates’ Meeting.
The presiding officer in each caucus room at convention will review them with the audience
present prior to the start of caucuses.
• Ballots will be distributed in the House of Delegates. Voting by proxy is not permitted. Once the
ballots have been cast, they will be collected and tabulated. For a winner to be declared for
each office, one candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast for said office.
• Candidates for International Endorsement will seek endorsement in the same manner as those
running for Executive Office. The District is able to endorse one candidate for the position of
International President or International Vice-President and two candidates for the position of
International Trustee.
• Failure to comply with the flyer and information sheet submission requirements included in this
packet will result in your information being excluded from the Candidate Profile Booklet.
• Each candidate is subject to the official Campaign rules detailed above.
Candidate Checklist:
Attend the Pre-Convention Orientation Meeting at 7:00 PM on March 15, 2020.
Submit these items by March 22, 2020 to Karin Church:
Campaign flyer (.PDF format required)
Signed candidate paperwork:
Medical form
District Board code of conduct
Photo release
District Board travel considerations
Service agreement form (use agreement for the position that you are seeking)
During DCON, attend:
Candidates' meeting (April 3rd at 5:30 PM)
Caucusing (April 3rd at 9 PM)
Nominating Conference (April 4th at 9:15 AM)
House of Delegates (April 4th at 4 PM)